A Job Portal. By the Employees. For the Employees.

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15416 Referral Jobs

from verified employees*

127054 Registered Users

50000+ in facebook group*

1802 IT Companies

hiring via referral*

What is Employee Referral?

There is a huge cost involved in hiring a right talent. Human Resource Team of any company performs following major activities to get the desired resource to accomplish the task:

Request employees to Refer there friends, family or people they know.

Hire Consultancy to complete the demand.

Purchase the Job portals & Utilize in-house HR team to find the right skill set.

The most efficient & cost saving process is Direct Referral from Employees. Almost every Company has their in-house referral program . To help employees refer the very best, interviewchacha provides a platform to share referral jobs and thereby also helping job seekers to apply and ask for referral.